Why Do Dogs Lick Blankets? Unraveling the Mystery

why do dogs lick blankets?

Do you often catch your furry friend in the act of blanket-licking and wonder, “Why do dogs lick blankets?” Well, you’re not alone. Many dog owners are puzzled by this seemingly bizarre behavior. But fret not! This behavior isn’t as unusual as you might think.

Our dogs have their unique ways of exploring and interacting with their environment. Just like humans, they use their senses, and one of them is their incredible sense of taste. Licking behavior is one of the ways dogs investigate their surroundings, gain information, and even seek comfort.

In this blog, we will dive into the myriad reasons why dogs lick blankets, from the more common reasons, such as their attraction to the salty taste of dead skin cells on the blanket, to more serious issues like obsessive compulsive disorder.

We’ll also cover signs of excessive licking, potential dangers, and of course, how to handle it if your dog’s licking behavior becomes a problem. So, if you’re curious about why your dog licks blankets, read on! It’s time to crack the mystery of this quirky canine behavior!

Understanding Licking Behavior

We’ve all seen our dogs lick, whether it’s licking us, themselves, or their favorite toy. But have you ever wondered what drives this common behavior in our four-legged friends? Let’s dive in and take a closer look.

What is Licking Behavior in Dogs?

The act of licking is a natural behavior for dogs. From the moment they are born, their mother licks them to clean them and stimulate their breathing. As they grow, licking becomes a way for dogs to communicate, explore their environment, and even show affection.

Dogs have a highly developed sense of taste and smell. So, it’s not surprising that they use licking as a way to investigate new things. Licking behavior can also serve a grooming purpose, helping them to clean themselves.

Why Dogs Lick in General

Apart from exploration and grooming, there are several other reasons why dogs lick. One major factor is comfort. Did you know that when dogs lick, it releases endorphins, or ‘happy hormones’? That’s right, licking releases endorphins that can help soothe and comfort your dog.

Licking can also be a learned behavior. If your dog gets attention or rewards after licking something, they’ll likely do it more often. It’s their way of getting your attention or even asking for food.

However, while licking is generally a normal behavior, it’s important to note that excessive or compulsive licking may signal underlying issues, such as anxiety or health problems, which we’ll delve into later in the blog.

In the next section, we’ll take a closer look at one specific target of our dogs’ licks – their blankets. If you’ve ever wondered why dogs lick blankets, keep reading. You might just find the answer you’re looking for!

dog covered in blanket

Reasons Why Dogs Lick Blankets

You’ve probably watched your dog meticulously lick their blanket and thought, “Why are you doing that?” We’ve outlined several reasons below to help answer this common question among pet parents.

Attachment to the Object

Just like humans, dogs form emotional attachments to inanimate objects. For some dogs, blankets represent security and comfort. This attachment often intensifies when their dog owners are away, leading to behaviors like licking blankets as a form of self-soothing.

Especially in dogs suffering from separation anxiety, the blanket serves as a comforting reminder of their owners, reducing feelings of loneliness and anxiety.

Presence of Food Particles

It’s no secret that dogs have an exceptional sense of smell, significantly sharper than our own. Even microscopic food particles ingrained in a blanket can attract their attention. Dogs can detect these invisible traces, leading them to lick the blanket in an attempt to taste or clean up the tiny crumbs or bits of food.

Taste and Texture

Many dogs enjoy the salty taste of our dead skin cells that accumulate on blankets. They also might enjoy the texture of certain materials. For dogs, the act of licking can be comforting or calming. The sensation of the fabric against their tongue can help to soothe them, particularly in times of stress or anxiety.

Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency

Sometimes, a nutritional deficiency may be causing your dog’s excessive licking. Dogs deficient in certain minerals or vitamins may start licking blankets or other strange objects in an attempt to rectify the imbalance. Feeding your dog a well-balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals can help prevent this behavior.


Pica is a condition characterized by the ingestion of non-food items. In dogs, pica can often lead to a dog licking or consuming objects such as blankets. This could be due to a variety of reasons, including dietary deficiencies, boredom, or even gastrointestinal diseases.

Health-Related Causes

Excessive licking can sometimes indicate health issues. Dogs suffering from gastrointestinal problems might lick surfaces more often, trying to cope with nausea or discomfort.

Similarly, compulsive licking can also be a symptom of an underlying medical condition, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), skin allergies, or other dermatological issues.

If your dog’s blanket licking seems excessive, it’s important to consult with a professional. Licking behavior can be complex, and understanding the root cause can help manage the behavior effectively.

In the next section, we delve deeper into the topic of obsessive licking and the potential dangers it might entail.

dog licking blanket

Obsessive Licking and Potential Dangers

Now that we have explored the common reasons why dogs lick blankets, it’s time to delve into the difference between ordinary licking and excessive licking. It’s essential to understand when this behavior crosses over into the realm of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and how it could potentially harm your dog.

Identifying Excessive Licking

Regular licking is a normal part of your dog’s behavior. However, if you notice your dog constantly licking their blanket, or any object for that matter, this could indicate a problem.

Other signs might include your dog appearing distressed when they can’t lick or if their licking is causing sores or bald patches on their body.

The Role of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is not just a human condition; dogs can experience it too. OCD in dogs often manifests as compulsive licking.

Dogs suffering from OCD will engage in certain behaviors like licking to the point of obsession, even when it’s clearly causing them distress or harm.

Risks Associated with Excessive Blanket Licking

There are several risks associated with excessive blanket licking. The continuous licking can lead to skin damage, leading to sores, or hair loss.

There’s also a risk of the dog ingesting parts of the blanket, which could lead to a gastrointestinal blockage, a potentially life-threatening condition.

Moreover, excessive licking can also be a symptom of underlying medical or mental health issues, such as gastrointestinal disorders or anxiety, that need to be addressed by a professional.

If your dog’s blanket-licking behavior appears to be obsessive or harmful, it’s important to seek advice from a professional.

In our next section, we will look into different ways you can help curb this behavior and when you should seek professional help.

Chihuahua laying down in a blanket.

How to Manage Your Dog’s Blanket-Licking Habit

Is your dog licking blankets excessively and causing you concern? As we’ve learned, while this behavior can be innocent, it can also indicate an underlying issue. Here are some strategies that you can implement to help manage this behavior.

Providing Adequate Nutrition

Nutrition plays a crucial role in your dog’s behavior. Feeding your dog a well-balanced diet is paramount. Research and choose the most dog food brands that contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy dog.

If you’re concerned that a nutrient deficiency may be causing your dog’s behavior, consider speaking to your vet about the best dog food for your furry friend.

Offer Alternatives to Licking

If you notice your dog lick blankets excessively, provide them with an alternative. You can try giving them chew toys, stuffed Kongs, or puzzle feeders to distract them from the blanket.

Engaging their mind with these alternatives can be an excellent way to curb the compulsive behavior.

Provide Plenty of Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Physical activity and mental stimulation are essential for dogs. Many dog breeds, especially working and high-energy breeds, need a considerable amount of exercise to burn off their energy. Without it, they may turn to behaviors such as excessive licking to keep themselves occupied.

Regular Health Check-ups

It’s important to schedule regular health check-ups for your pet, especially if you observe unusual behaviors like obsessive blanket licking.

A sudden increase in your dog lick behavior can be a sign of an upset stomach, skin irritation, or other health issues. Regular vet visits can help ensure that any potential health issues are caught and treated early.

Consult a Professional

If you’ve tried the above strategies and your dog is still obsessively licking their blanket, it might be time to consult a professional. A vet or dog behaviorist can provide valuable insights into why your dog may be demonstrating this compulsive behavior and offer suitable treatment options.

Coming up, we will wrap up the blog with a conclusion, summarizing the main points we have discussed. This will be followed by an FAQ section to answer some common queries related to dogs and their blanket-licking habit.



So, why do dogs lick blankets? Having a dog lick their blanket now and then is pretty normal behavior and, in most cases, nothing to worry about. They might be attracted to the smell, taste, or simply find comfort in the act.

However, when your dog licks blankets obsessively or excessively, it can signal underlying health issues, nutrient deficiencies, or even mental conditions like OCD. In such cases, it is crucial to seek advice from a professional.

In managing this behavior, a balanced diet, alternative chewing options, plenty of exercise, and regular health check-ups can go a long way. Remember, our furry friends can’t express their discomfort in words. It is up to us, as responsible pet parents, to observe them closely and ensure they’re not just happy but also healthy.

Now, let’s move on to our FAQ section, where we answer some common questions about dogs and their blanket-licking habit.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • My dog is licking his blanket excessively, what should I do? First, try to redirect their attention with toys or interactive games. If the excessive licking continues, consult a vet to rule out any health concerns.
  • Can the dog’s diet influence his licking behavior? Yes, dogs with a nutrient deficiency may exhibit behaviors like excessive licking. If you suspect this could be the cause, speak to your vet about your dog’s diet.
  • Are there specific dog breeds that are more prone to blanket licking? Not specifically. However, high-energy or working breeds might resort to behaviors like licking when they’re bored or lack mental stimulation.
  • Can I train my dog to stop licking his blanket? Yes, with consistent training, you can discourage your dog from licking blankets. However, it’s important to address the root cause of the behavior, which could be medical or psychological.
  • How can I tell if my dog’s licking is due to OCD? Continuous, compulsive licking that doesn’t seem to have a clear cause and causes distress or damage to the dog can be a sign of OCD. If you suspect this, seek advice from a vet or dog behaviorist.
  • What is Pica in dogs, and how does it relate to blanket licking? Pica is a condition where dogs develop a compulsive urge to eat non-food items, such as dirt, rocks, or fabrics like blankets. It can be triggered by various factors, including nutritional deficiencies, stress, boredom, or underlying medical conditions. If your dog is excessively licking or eating their blanket, it could be a symptom of Pica. Consult your vet for a definitive diagnosis.
  • Can licking blankets harm my dog? While occasional blanket licking isn’t usually harmful, excessive or obsessive licking can potentially lead to issues. Ingesting large amounts of blanket material can cause gastrointestinal blockages. Moreover, if the blanket has been treated with chemicals or is not clean, it can lead to other health problems. If your dog’s blanket licking becomes a concern, it’s best to seek veterinary advice.

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