Itzy, Koada, Hachi, and Cooper
Welcome to Little Doggies Rule! And boy, do they (LOL)! They rule our house, our bed, our time, and most of all, our hearts.
Hi! My name is Diana. My husband, Michael, and I live in Tennessee, and both grew up with dogs, but they were not the type of pets that our precious little ones are. They were dogs with a purpose (mostly hunting), and they most certainly did not stay in the house.
We have three precious little ones, Itzy, Hachi, and Koada. We also have a medium-sized dog named Cooper, and oh, by the way, they rule him too.
Our doggies have changed our lives to the point that we just cannot imagine our lives without them. They each have their own remarkable personalities and make us smile every day.
I guess, before I go any further into our story, I should let you know the reason we decided to become pet parents. We had often heard that people with dogs lived longer and were happier. I have suffered from depression since I was seventeen. I was able to function to do what I had to do, but in the evenings and weekends, I would spend in bed. When things were not too bad, my husband and I would go walking or hiking.
Our first thought was to get a little dog to cuddle up with me in bed to maybe help with the depression. I told my husband he could also take the dog for walks when I didn’t feel like going with him, and his remark was, “I’m not walking a little dog!” A man thing, I think (LOL). Then we decided to get a little bigger dog for him. So now we were going to get two dogs instead of one. It worked out so perfectly because we got Itzy and Cooper on the same day.
The first two additions to our family were Itzy, a Shih Tzu mix who was abandoned at a truck stop. Cooper, a beagle-golden retriever mix, was at a sanctuary waiting to be adopted. I think Cooper had just either run away or had just gotten lost because we could tell that someone had taken the time to teach him some tricks, and he was completely housebroken.
Poor little Itzy was just a mess when we got her. We had to have her completely shaved because she was so matted. She would hide behind the couch but spent most of her time under our bed. It took a long time for her to start to trust us, but she took to Cooper right away as they became the best of friends. We had a lot to learn about being pet parents.
One issue we had to deal with was the chewing. Cooper, being a bigger dog, was doing the most damage, so we made him start staying outside through the day when I didn’t have time to keep an eye on him. Then a second issue arose. Little Izty was very sad and depressed that Cooper wasn’t in the house. She just laid on the couch, and I could just tell that she was sad. So, I got the bright idea that she needed a playmate, and maybe the new dog would be more of a cuddler for me.
On Valentine’s Day, my husband surprised me with Hachi (I helped to pick him out). Hachi is a Chinese Crested Powder Puff, the most adorable little thing I had ever seen. Miss Itzy just loved him, and she became the perfect little mother to him, but again be was not the cuddler I was looking for. So guess what? I started keeping my eye out for another puppy.
A few months later, we added Koada to our family. He is a Shorkie Poo, part Shih Tzu, part Yorkie, and part Poodle. He is the most active, the one that is always getting in trouble, but the most loving of them all. He has to have all the attention. He is the one we call our flopper because wherever you are, he flops down on your lap or beside you.
We had gone from a family with no dogs, never wanting a dog, to a family with four dogs in less than a year. It was a big adjustment for me. I had to learn that I was no longer going to have a spotless house and that I was never ever going to have a clean house again. There are pee pads at certain spots in the house that are their favorite places to pee, especially when it rains outside, little paw prints on the floor every morning from going outside to pee, and toys all over the floor.
UPDATE: In the fall of 2017, Moki joined our family. She is an adorable Chi Poo (chihuahua-toy poodle mix) and weighs a full 7 lbs. She loves her squeaky toy and holds her own against her bigger siblings.
So how has it turned out for our dogs (puppy wuppies)? They have a mom and dad that love them to death. Cooper is ruled by the three little ones, but he doesn’t mind. He has playmates, and that is all he cares about. Miss Itzy is the mother to all of them, and she makes sure the playing doesn’t get out of control. It is just amazing to us how she has taken that role. Hachi has hurt his leg and is now more of a bed buddy if I need one. He has multiple personalities, which keep us on our toes. Koada is the most loving, mischievous, happy-go-lucky little dog I have ever seen.
We have started this website because of our love for dogs and to help new dog owners (like we were) get as much honest info as they can on a new fur baby. Dogs are amazing! They love you no matter what and make you feel that you are the most important person in their little doggy lives. My love for them raises me above my depression because when they want attention and want to play, I don’t want to disappoint them.
But if I need a bed buddy for the day, I have Hachi and Koada, who will keep me company and get a visit from Miss Itzy. My husband has Cooper to walk, who gets so happy when Daddy gets the leash. The little ones will be waiting at the fence for them to return home.
Our goal someday is to start a little rescue sanctuary, and when we retire (which is only a few years away), we want to move to the country where we can take a few more dogs that need a home. There seem to be so many out there just waiting to get adopted. Actually, I got my eye on one right now.
We hope you enjoy this website and are able to get the information you seek to enable you to give the best care and love you can to an incredible, loving, and loyal family member……your dog!
UPDATE: In the summer of 2019, JuJu joined our family as a 12-year-old Bichon Frise. Her Mommy had passed away, and she needed a home. She has been such a pleasure and has the energy of her new siblings. She loves all the attention and her new pack.