If you love dogs, but you have problems with allergies, then you can consider a hypoallergenic furry friend. Hypoallergenic dogs are ideal for people with allergies since they don’t shed – meaning, they produce little dander from their coats. It also means that you do not need to constantly vacuum hair around your home. Check out these 4 adorable and friendly non-shedding dog breeds for anyone with allergies.
Chinese Crested
Chinese crested is a playful and loving hypoallergenic dog. This breed mainly comes in two varieties including hairless and powderpuff. As the name suggests, a hairless Chinese dog does not pose any threat to people with allergies and this makes it a perfect house companion. Hairless dogs are easy to clean, and they are naturally clean.
On the other hand, the powderpuff dog requires cleaning brushing every day to remain clean. This dog has a different type of coat from most breeds. It has a shorter undercoat, and the outer coat consists of a veil overlay. This makes it easier to brush and keep your dog clean. Another notable aspect about Chinese crested dogs is that they have limited doggy odor. You can go to bed with your pet if you want since it does not produce any unpleasant smell.
American Hairless Terrier
American Hairless Terriers, as the name implies, do not have hair. These dogs typically don’t shed, and in the rare circumstances that they do, they shed very little hair. They are a perfect hypoallergenic breed since they do not pose any threat to allergic people. However, practitioners at WholePet.health explain that hypoallergenic dogs still require minimal grooming, which involves brushing and monthly baths. They also need frequent haircuts to keep their coat low.
After giving your dog a haircut, you should protect its ears from sunburn. This protective breed makes a perfect companion, especially when you know how to take good care of it. A quick grooming session using a soft-bristle brush can do the trick. You can do this at least once a week and give him an occasional bath.
The poodle is one of the finest among all the hypoallergenic dogs. Poodles come in different varieties that include Standard, Miniature, and Toy. While these dogs are generally small, they are versatile and excellent companions. They have non-shedding coats which make them suitable for people with allergies. However, you should know that poodles shed very little of their coats though this is hardly noticeable.
Many people prefer to cut the coats to make maintenance easier. You can leave the coats to grow once you ensure you brush them regularly to avoid matting. These dogs can be easily trained which makes it easier for the owners to stay with them in different conditions. Additionally, poodles have a longer lifespan than most dogs. When you get this breed, you can enjoy peace of mind over a long period without any worries about allergies.
Bichon Frise
Bichons have velvety and plush hair that continually grows, and, importantly, they do not shed. These dogs have vibrant personalities and are adaptable friends since they can get along with children and other pets. With this kind of canine in your home, you need not have any fear of issues like allergies that can be caused by furs. A Bichon is confident, alert, and playful, so you can relax with him on your couch. He does not shed which means you can play with him anywhere around your home.
At some point in time, your dog will lose some furs although this might not be apparent in certain circumstances. This means you should brush your companion to get rid of loose furs around your home. Make sure your pet gets a suitable bath to maintain his hygiene and appearance.
There are different types of hypoallergenic dogs available, and they are ideal for people with allergies. Some dogs have no hair while others shed occasionally, and they are perfect for individuals who want to reduce allergic reactions. However, whatever type of hypoallergenic dog you choose, it will still require grooming in the form of brushing and shampooing. Therefore, your ultimate choice is a matter of personal preference which depends on the type of dog you are looking for